Meet the iHQ team

We’re the team behind iHQ—the hub for innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration at MIT. Our mission? To make sure iHQ isn’t just a building, but a thriving community where ideas take off. Whether you’re a student launching a startup, a faculty member hosting an event, or an MIT community member looking for space to connect, we’re here to help.

Prof. Fiona E Murray

Associate Dean for Innovation & Inclusion

Rosaleah Brown

Director, iHQ

Liam McDonnell

Communications Director

Greg Soloviev

Facilities Manager

Brandon Hoye

Student Community Manager

Georgina Indaco

Event Planner

Megan Rogers

Event Planner/Operations

Aysar Abdelgelil

Voxel / Maker-space Coordinator

Questions? Need Support? Contact Us or swing by iHQ to say hi!