iHQ Student Use Policy – Effective May 31, 2024

Download a PDF of this Policy


Section 1: Understanding iHQ  1

Section 2: Respect for Others  1

Section 3: Cleanliness and Maintenance 1

Section 4 : Meeting Room Etiquette 1

Section 5: Respecting Staff Spaces 1

Section 6: Respecting Event Spaces  1

Section 7: Looking After Your Own Equipment 1

Section 8: Safety and Security  1




Section 1: Understanding iHQ

·      iHQ is a unique mixed-use building on MIT’s campus comprising student lounges, staff offices, event spaces, and makerspaces.

·      iHQ is located in Building E38 and shares the facility with other programs such as the Welcome Center, Admissions, and Open Space Programming on floors 1 & 2

·      The building is unlocked  9am thru 5pm daily and after-hours access is available to eligible users following registration.


Section 2: Respect for Others

As a mixed space building, it is important that students recognize the other users of iHQ and behave appropriately while using the space. Specifically;

o   Ensuring you keep noise levels reasonable . There are designated lounges for communal working on floors 3, 4, 5, and 6 which are intended to create collaborative experiences while working.

o   Appropriate behavior in shared spaces. iHQ offers a number of phone booths for personal calls/video conferencing throughout the facility.

o   Sleeping in any area of iHQ during or after hours is strictly prohibited and MIT police take note.


Section 3: Cleanliness and Maintenance

·      Students must assume personal responsibility for maintaining cleanliness in shared spaces. There is an available kitchenette on the 3rd floor which provides a range of food storage and preparation facilities. Any dishes or glassware brought into iHQ must be removed, and any food remaining in the refrigerators will be discarded on a weekly basis.

·      There are a multitude of available trash and recycling bins across all floors.

·      All users of iHQ are encouraged to report any maintenance issues and damages to ihq@mit.edu .


Section 4 : Meeting Room Etiquette


Section 5: Respecting Staff Spaces

·      As a mixed-use building, iHQ houses a number of I&E programs, including Sandbox, Legatum, Deshpandé, and VMS among others. There are clearly defined offices which remain out of bounds for the use of students at all times.

·      In addition, there are open plan seating areas across a number of floors which must not be interfered with. These are clearly marked and contain sit/stand desks and contain staff members monitors, keyboards and various work artefacts. Use of these desks are forbidden at all times.

·      A number of conference rooms use the Atlas room reservation system which is managed by IST. Staff also use this booking system and students should take note of any upcoming scheduled meetings in any given room and respect an existing reservation. If asked to leave a room by a member of staff with a reservation, students are expected to remain courteous and vacate leaving the space as they found it.


Section 6: Respecting Event Spaces

iHQ has a vibrant event program which serves DLC’s within the building, student-groups across MIT and external users seeking to host meetings, training events, and conferences. iHQ’s main event spaces are;


·      4th floor Training Room

·      4th Floor Open Space

·      5th Floor Training Room

·      7th Floor Hacker Reactor.


Due to ongoing events and layout requirements – students are forbidden from entering and using the 4th and 5th floor training rooms without a valid booking associated with an event. This includes;

·      Using the training room space(s) for a zoom call

·      Consuming food in the training rooms

·      Using the spaces to meet with peers


Events planned on a daily basis are listed in the Event sheets in the elevators, as well as the Welcome Center Lobby.

Take note of specific guidance for the 7th floor Hacker Reactor;

·      Access to the Hacker reactor is only permitted when an event is not taking place or being set up.

·      The hacker reactor functions as a co-working lounge in such cases

·      Personal calls/video conferenced should be taken in phone booths

·      No food should be consumed in Hacker reactor – you will be asked to leave the space.

·      Chairs and furniture should remain as you found them


Section 7: Looking After Your Own Equipment

·      As a mixed space with a large number of daily users, there have been incidents of petty theft including computer accessories, cables and headphones. Students are required to take responsibility for securing their own personal belongings.

o   This includes not leaving bags or laptops unattended while using restrooms, or leaving the building entirely. Staff are not responsible for individually monitoring equipment belonging to individual students.

·      There is no formal lost and found process – but any equipment of value that is left unattended can be handed to any member of iHQ staff at the front desk on floor 3.


Section 8: Safety and Security

·      As posted around iHQ – Bicycles and scooters (both electric and manual) are not permitted in any space throughout iHQ. These items also represent a major issue when it comes to the safety of others during emergency exits, etc.

·      Contact information for MIT Police and emergency services - (617) 253-1212 or dial 100 from any MIT phone.